SK 1:14 000. / Reconstruction (Collateral Damage)

Rastislav Sedlacik
Považská galéria umenia v Žiline
Wooden frame, foil, polyurethane foam, video projection in MP4 format
height: 250 cm, width: 450 cm, depth: 32 cm

SK 1:14 000. / Reconstruction 2010—2022 (Collateral Damage) Photo: Marek Jančúch

SK 1:14 000. / Reconstruction 2010—2022 (Collateral Damage) Photo: Marek Jančúch

SK 1:14 000. / Reconstruction 2010—2022 (Collateral Damage) Photo: Marek Jančúch

SK 1:14 000. / Reconstruction 2010—2022 (Collateral Damage) Photo: Marek Jančúch

SK 1:14 000. / Reconstruction 
(Collateral Damage)
Part of the Installation Storage bunker III. from the exhibition 
ZA maľbou / Behind the Painting
(collateral damage)