Peripheral constellation. 2011

Rastislav Sedlacik

Peripheral constellation. 2011 Installation Acrylic on canvas and walls, plasterboard City & Periphery, Tranzit, Bratislava. 2011

Peripheral constellation. 2011


Acrylic on canvas and walls, plasterboard

City & Periphery, Tranzit, Bratislava. 2011

"The actual overlaps between painting and three-dimensional space are close to my heart. The reason is that I also focus on the creation of objects, which are based on similar principle of adapting elements of technical and industrial environment and setting them into another - new context.  The project Escapist (2011), which is a spatial painting, links painting with object creation. Object fragments of a running figure exiting building becomes a part of sight specific paining, which responds to the gallery space."

SEDLAČÍK, Rastislav: Space in Contemporary Painting undder the Influence of Digital Technologies. Bratislava : VŠVU, Department of Painting and Other Media, 2011. 75-80.