3D virtual presentation of exhibition ZA maľbou / Behind the Painting

Rastislav Sedlacik
Považská galéria umenia v Žiline
3D scan of Exhibition: Ján Hamorský

3D virtual presentation of exhibition ZA maľbou / Behind the Painting

Rastislav Sedlačík: ZA maľbou / Behind the Painting 
(collateral damage)
FactoryLand / LandSKaping / Catcher Zone 
(re— paint, re— size, re— format, re— cycle, over— paint)

Venue: Považská galéria umenia v Žiline

Exhibition Duration: 27. 5. — 9.  7. 2022

Curators: Mira Sikorová-Putišová, Noro Lacko

Graphic design and co-architect: Marcel Benčík

Mapping a Digital support: Samuel Chovanec

Digital support assistance: David Cartwright

Foto: Jana Hojstričová, Marek Jančúch

3D scan of Exhibition: Ján Hamorský